How to make hard cider
Necessary materials: Apple juice without preservatives (bottled or reconstituted frozen) -- 3 gallons Wine yeast (I like Lalvin ICV-D47 or Lalvin 71B-1122). Both of these are used for light, fruity white wines, and the latter is known for partially metabolizing malic acid, which is prominent in apple juice (the name malic comes from the Latin malus, or apple). Both are also tolerant of malolactic fermentation (more on that later). I've found wine yeast locally at Century Farm Winery, or it can be ordered online. 3 gallon water jug (Walmart) Stopper with hole to put air lock on water jug (I use a size 8.5 stopper for a 1.5 inch inner diameter hole) Air lock (I like the kind that comes apart for cleaning) Not strictly necessary but helpful: Food grade 5-gallon bucket (Lowes) -- lid is optional because you can just cover it with plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Racking cane Bottle filler Tubing to fit racking cane and bottling wand Hydrometer to t...